Linguise clients and multilingual performance by the numbers

Discover the main statistics of Linguise usage and how we've helped a major client with their business internationalization

Linguise usage statistics

Linguise has been opened to the public since 2021 but has been installed on large websites since 2019. This is how we’ve tested and improved the translations performance and speed.

Ranked pages and counting
0 +
Website domains regsitered
Ranked in search engines all over the world
Languages available
Available on 40+ CMS different platform

Translation quality and price matter

Automatic translation quality increased by 9% during the last year

Between 5 and 10 times less expensive than classic translations

Quality of the neural translation
...compared to 100% human translation 96%
CMS extension ratings customers 100%

Get more international traffic, quickly

Improve traffic by 40% with 4 new languages
0 %
Loading time of multilingual pages is only 5% more than original languages
0 %

JoomUnited company has increased his traffic by 100% and sales by 40% with Linguise translations

The company has been one of the first to install Linguise in 2019 and has progressively reached an impressive amount of international traffic. Now JoomUnited multilingual is:

Multilingual page views per DAY
More sales
0 %
More traffic
0 %