Translate your Shopify store with Cloud AI automatic translation

Translate instantly your Shopify store using our Cloud AI automatic translation

Improve dramatically Shopify SEO with high-quality translations

When it comes to SEO, content is king, and that means quantity and quality are key. Shopify sites often have a vast product catalog that’s updated frequently, making it a challenge to keep up with content translations. That’s where our Shopify translation solution comes in, creating, for instance, 10 new pages multiplied by 10 languages, which becomes 100 new indexed pages. All pages are instantly updated in all languages and are fully indexed, thanks to Linguise ability to generate translated page URLs, alternate links and HTML language tags.

A simple fact: adding just five new languages to your website through automatic translations leads to an average increase of 40% in traffic.

Increase Shopify transformation rate with translations

In eCommerce marketing, the transformation rate needs to be as high as possible, especially during the registration and checkout processes. With Linguise for Shopify, you’ll be able to translate 100% of the content, in all languages, from the product page to the final payment. That will definitively improve your transformation rate!

Edit your product translations from the front-end

Shopify automatic, Cloud AI, translation can be supplemented by additional human translation. To get a pixel-perfect translation for your website, a professional translator will need to check around 10% of your content. Linguise makes it easy with a frontend editor, meaning with a simple login as translator you can click edit all your Shopify store.

Unlimited Shopify translations

Linguise offers an unlimited translation plan for large Shopify stores. If your Shopify store is composed of hundreds, even thousands of products, and you’re targeting let’s say 10 new countries with 10 new languages, your translation volume will also be considerable.

Control your translation cost and gain many new customers with our LARGE and UNLIMITED plan.

Shopify language switcher advanced design

Once your Shopify translation is activated, you’ll need to setup a language switcher with flag and language names. Our Shopify language switcher configuration offers many design possibilities. It can be displayed as a pop-up, drop-down, or as a side-by-side, in any position on your Shopify pages. Setup is made from your Linguise account dashboard and synchronized on Shopify.

Translate Shopify apps content and edit translations

Shopify is a popular platform for themes and apps providers such as apps for popups, or products reviews… Therefore, there are many elements to translate, such as the theme blocks, header, menus and footer or apps content. Linguise translates all these elements in a single action – there is no need for one by one editing!

High-quality AI translations for Shopify

Linguise translation for Shopify is currently running on more than a thousand websites all over the world. The extension is setup with many language pairs and most of the time, a 10 minutes setup is enough to install and configure a 10 languages high-quality translation.
More information about translation quality >

Translate your Google Merchant Center product feed

Google Shopping should be connected to your Shopify product data feed which then becomes your Google Shopping feed. If you are selling products to particular countries or just want to expend your eCommerce reach, you’ll need to translate all product information. Linguise is integrated with Google Merchant Center product feed and will do that for you, automatically!

Shopify's translation rules and dictionaries

Linguise has the most advanced rule system to globally edit all your Shopify translated content in no-time.

Once you’ve translated your shop into 10 languages or more, there are chances that you need to batch edit translations all over your website. This is where the rules come in, allowing text replacement, translation exclusion by language, URLs, HTML tags…

Automatic dynamic content feature

Linguise ensures efficient and user-friendly translations. We’ll translate dynamically generated content which are commonly used nowadays by using AJAX. Our solution generates translated page URLs, alternate links, HTML language tags, improving navigation and make it easier for your visitors to access all translated content on Shopify.

More information about dynamic translation >

Ask for a free installation on your Shopify store

Get your shop translated in 10 minutes with our high-quality neural translation tool – we will do this for you, free of charge!

Other features of Shopify automatic translation

AMP and Google Shopping pages

Linguise is fully compatible with Google AMP and Google Shopping. Automatically translate all your multilingual shop content feeds and AMP pages. Get new customers on mobile and Google Shopping all around the world.

Inline Shopify translation

Inline code (like hyperlinks or bold text) is considered as complicated to handle by translation tools. It has to be regrouped as an individual sentence to keep the content context. Linguise uses a custom tool to brings an accurate translation of the HTML inline content

Fast Shopify page display

The Linguise multilingual translation has a dedicated cache server. Once a translation is made or needs to be updated, we first check if we can serve an instant HTML cached version as a Shopify translated page.

Shopify sitemap translation

Shopify generates XML sitemaps natively for your products, categories, blog posts... It’s automatically translated by Linguise and also updated when a bot crawls it, indexing your new multilingual eCommerce pages

How to get started?
1. Create your account and register your domain here >>
2. Follow the related documentation to activate the translation here >>