Welcome to Linguise 1.0!

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We are pleased to welcome you on our new translation service Linguise. It’s been a long road since we’ve started developing the tool, and we’re proud to announce that we’ve already served several millions of pages translated on a hundred of websites before we choose to go public.

Website translation is complex

If you have an experience in website building, you know that the 2 most complex projects are eCommerce and multilingual websites. Multiple languages and eCommerce products are contents that comes on top of a website.

We believe that the translation is something very complex already as it requires a lot of time from different individuals in different roles:

  1. The webmaster will handle the technical part of duplicating the contents, URLs…
  2. A translator by language  to do the translation
  3. Sometimes the website owner or the company is checking for technical terms errors
  4. Finally, the site builder need to review the layout depending on the language length, plugin translation not available…
  5. The website is (hopefully) alive, with frequent update and new content to translate!


Neural Machine Automatic Translation is the solution

The Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is a technology based on artificial networks of neurons, used since 2016 at a professional level. It has made considerable advances in recent years thanks to artificial intelligence and can now serve accurate translations up to 90% of human translation quality.
An automatic,  perfect quality translation, is changing the ground rules at all levels:
  1. The initial multilingual technical part will be reduced to the minimum, mainly connect your website to Linguise and chose the languages
  2. The translator is the option to get a pixel-perfect translation. Cost will be reduced by 80%
  3.  The technical terms are handled from the beginning using global rules
  4.  The layout review by the site builder is no longer required as 100% the website content is automatically translated based on the HTML output
  5. New content of the website is instantly translated once it’s published, so your website stays translated at 100%, all the time.

What’s the difference between Linguise and the competitors?

Linguise has several advantages over the competitors, but if you would like to resume it in 3 points that would be: you can fully test it, it’s SEO fully optimized, it’s affordable.

The Linguise test period is not a joke, you can really translate all small and middle size website during one month for free, without any credit card required. It includes 400 000 words translated on an unlimited translated page views, in an unlimited language number.

As a conclusion, I would say that it’s just the beginning, and we have plenty of new feature on the way with new website platform implementation, automatic glossary terms, multi account, translator marketplace…

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