ExpressionEngine CMS multilingual with Linguise automatic translation

Translate your ExpressionEngine websites instantly with Linguise automatic, cloud AI translation service

Translate 100% of ExpressionEngine CMS content

When it comes to online translations, there are many elements to translate, such as the ExpressionEngine CMS plugins or 3rd party content. Linguise’s automatic translation handles all these elements in one action, translating directly the frontend HTML content, which means you don’t need to open them one by one in your CMS admin.

Furthermore, if you are already using another translation system, let’s say for one language, you can add Linguise over it temporarily without any conflict.

translate plugin expression engine

How to translate an ExpressionEngine CMS website automatically with our script

easy to install

Easy to install, works on ExpressionEngine CMS + Apache, LiteSpeed, NginX, IIS

The Linguise automated translation system is easy to set up and doesn’t require any modifications to your ExpressionEngine CMS. You simply need to upload the script, input your API key, and configure the .htaccess file for URL rewriting. This process is quick, taking only a few minutes, and allows for your website to be fully translated into multiple languages.

Smooth translation for ExpressionEngine CMS content

Linguise uses advanced translation technology like AJAX to translate ExpressionEngine CMS real-time, without needing to refresh the page. This allows your customers to browse your site seamlessly, even as you update product information. Dynamic translation ensures a great customer experience no matter what language you use.

More information about dynamic translation > 

Are you ready to rock your ExpressionEngine SEO?

Say goodbye to manually creating and updating content in multiple languages. With Linguise, you can effortlessly translate your ExpressionEngine website’s pages including menus, content widgets, footers, and more, into over 85 languages. These result in indexed pages, each instantly updated with translated URLs and alternate links.

Our SEO-focused system ensures your multilingual content ranks well on search engines, and SEO elements like meta translation & alternate URLs are handled.  Moreover, Linguise integrates with all third-party dynamic scripts, including forums, image galleries, and more.

ecommerce expressio engine

ExpressionEngine CMS eCommerce plugin translation

Our ExpressionEngine CMS translation supports over 85 languages. With Linguise, you can easily maintain up-to-date product content in multiple languages, without manual translation.

Ensuring translated product pages are always synchronized, resulting in improved search engine optimization (SEO) and enhanced user experience. Say goodbye to manual translation and hello to a seamless multilingual experience!

Light and fast translation add-on for ExpressionEngine

Linguise offers a translation script optimized for efficiency, ensuring a seamless multilingual experience for users without sacrificing performance.

Unlike traditional systems, Linguise doesn’t duplicate website content in multiple languages, saving you from unnecessary data clutter in local databases. Our remote cache system reduces server load, leading to quicker page load times. 

This is as fast as your PHP CMS default multilingual system (if any) and many other optimizations.

fast translation expression engine
translation expression engine editable

Editable by human translators from ExpressionEngine CMS frontend

Linguise uses advanced neural machine translation to automatically translate content. However, a human touch is still important for perfecting the results. Experts suggest having a professional translator review 10% of the translated content to ensure maximum accuracy.

Linguise makes this review process easy. It has built-in features like translation exclusion and replacement rules that let you refine translations globally. The user-friendly editor on the front-end also makes on-site edits simple. You can select any text and edit it with a click.

By combining Linguise’s AI translations with targeted professional reviews, you can achieve natural, nuanced translations. 

Large ExpressionEngine CMS website translations, with no limits

The automatic translation for ExpressionEngine CMS can be used with a large amount of content and many languages. We have a membership plan that offers unlimited translations for all your ExpressionEngine pages in all languages, and because we have a large volume of usage, it’s the most affordable on the market.

expressionengine no limit translation

Other features of the ExpressionEngine CMS automatic translation management system

AMP ExpressionEngine multilingual pages

Linguise is fully working with Google AMP technology, automatically load all your multilingual pages with their AMP version, no more effort required. Compatible with all AMP tools.

Content search engine in ExpressionEngine

Your website search will also available for multilingual pages, meaning that you can run a search query in French and get search results in this French language.

Fast pages loading time ExpressionEngine

The Linguise multilingual translation has a dedicated cache server, once a ExpressionEngine translation is made to be updated we first check if we can serve an instant HTML cached version as a translated page

ExpressionEngine XML sitemap translation

Linguise generates XML sitemap based on your main website ExpressionEngine sitemap, and it’s automatically updated when a bot comes to crawl and index your new multilingual contents.

Inline content translation

Inline code (like hyperlinks or bold text) is considered as complicated to handle by automatic translation tools. It has to be regrouped as an individual sentence to keep the content context. Linguise uses a custom tool to brings an accurate translation of the HTML inline content

How to get started?

1. Create your account and register your domain here >>
2. Follow the related documentation to activate the translation here >>